Saturday, November 29, 2008

My T-Giving Dinner

I'm Canadian, so I already had my Thanksgiving dinner with the family. So, I would be hanging out by myself for American Thanksgiving, and I decided to use to the time to make a mini feast. Heres what I ate.

Roast Duck with Orange Marmalade and Grand Marnier Sauce
Garlic Smashed Potatoes (skins on, obviously)
Apple/Bacon stuffing
Greg Norman Santa Barbara County Pinot Grigio

Not going to lie. My meal was pretty bomb. I impressed myself at how well it turned out. I cooked my stuffing in a large 12" iron skillet, which I would certainly recommend. That way you maximize stuffing surface area, and the top gets brown and crisp.

The potatoes were also great, its a pretty standard dish though. Hard to mess up. I like to leave the skins on (something my old catering boss taught me, and you get lots of vitamins!) In addition, I like to quarter the potatoes before boiling them. If the chunks are any bigger they dont get done evenly all the way through. Any smaller and they absorb too much water.

The duck was delicious. I secured the rights to my moms recipe. The key here is to roast the duck once, for 1 1/2 hours, take it out, let it cool completely, cut it up, and put it back in for another 30 mins. This way, I am told, the oils seperate from the meat, and you are left with tender juicy meat, and crisp delicious orange flavored skin.

Overall, 9.5/10

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