Saturday, November 29, 2008

My iTunes

Anyone who knows me or has seen my iTunes knows this: I am fastidious about my library. I know there are some people who really, truly enjoy listening to Track 07 by Unknown Artist. I can't blame them, Track 12 by Album 03 is one of my favorite songs of all time.

For me, the 'show duplicates' button is essential to my mission. I also like album art. And I also know that I'm not the only one like this, in fact I would suggest that I'm in the majority of people.

I find it makes my personal listening experience more enjoyable. Try it out, it may makes yours a little better too.

This message is brought to you by Jordan.


Mary said...

There is no 'show duplicates' button. Get your shit together.

Anonymous said...

Actually Mary, there is a 'show duplicate' option under the file menu. Carry on Jordan.

Mary said...

rphillier, is an option a button? Not likely.