Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bone-In Ribeye PART II

Everything's done and cleaned up.

It was pretty good, with some minor negatives that I'll keep in mind for next time. But I guess it would be prudent to continue where I left off. Ingredients, check. Instructions, here we go.

Here's what you do:

1) Preheat that oven to 450
2) Wash potatoes (leave skins on, obviously)
3) Chop dem taters. I made mine into roughly golf ball sized pieces, if golf balls were weirdly polygonal.
4) Before you resume with the potatoes, put your skillet (it has to be a skillet, not a pan) on the stove and blast the heat. Let it get nice and hot.
5) Put the 'tatos into a pot with nicely salted water and bring to a boil. As soon as that's done drain the water out and throw in the oil mixture that you have from ribeye and get everything evenly covered. Let them just hang out for a while in the pot, to dry out.
6) Dump the potatoes onto a baking pan, and toss it in the oven for about 25 minutes. What you're going for here is nice some browning. Feel free to take out the pan and give it a shake as you see fit.
7) Pour yourself a drink. Drink it. This is an important step.
8) Take your beautifully marinated ribeye, put it on the skillet, let it sizzle on one side for about 5 minutes, flip it over, and put it in the oven for about 10 minutes.
9) If you timed it right, and took about 5 minutes to drink your drink before doing the steak bit, you should be able to take everything out of the oven and it will be ready for consumption. When everything is out, give it one last drizzle/brush from the remaining garlic/rosemary/oil you have. This is where I messed up a bit, I got the timing off, so my steak was ready before my potatoes. It turned out pretty decent though.


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